Who was Teilhard de Chardin and Should Catholics Read Him?

In the previous few articles on the New Age, it is clear to see that New Age thought does not just contain errors but that it contains demons who are leading the world astray. As can be seen with the Vatican’s approval of someone like Chopra speaking at the fifth International conference - Exploring the Mind, Body and Soul - Unite to Prevent & Unite to Cure and from the evident infestation of new age practices in Irish Catholic culture, it is clear that it is a major problem afflicting the Church. It is worth asking how did it work its way into the Church and where are things heading with society as a whole. New Age thought has many overlaps with other scenarios that are playing out around the world, and it can be seen that the New Age movement (or occultism), eugenics movement and the climate change movement all have the same ruler, or deceiver, that deceiving ruler being Satan himself.

In some ways the quote from Levay in the Reiki article in reference to New Age - “trying to play the Devil’s game without using His Infernal name’’, could be applied to more than just the New Age. One of the ways that the dangerous lies of New Age thought entered the Church was through a man who, according to some, could have been possessed. That man was the French Jesuit Priest named Teilhard de Chardin. Many claim he was possessed not just because of his many heresies but because of one of Teilhard's writings in particular where he describes an encounter with an entity that took possession of him. Describing his experience in the third person, Chardin wrote that: ‘‘the Thing swooped down. . . Then, suddenly, a breath of scorching air passed his forehead, broke through the barrier of his closed eyelids, and penetrated his soul. The man felt he was ceasing to be merely himself; an irresistible rapture took possession of him as though all the sap of all living things, flowing at one and the same moment into the too narrow confines of his heart, was mightily refashioning the enfeebled fibers of his being . . . And at the same time the anguish of some superhuman peril oppressed him, a confused feeling that the force which had swept down upon him was equivocal, turbid, the combined essence of evil and goodness . . . “You called me here: here I am” [said “the Thing”]. “Grown weary of abstractions, of attenuations, of the wordiness of social life, you wanted to pit yourself against Reality entire and untamed . . . I was waiting for you in order to be made holy. And now I am established on you for life, or for death . . . He who has once seen me can never forget me: he must either damn himself with me or save me with himself.”

Following his encounter with this entity Teilhard began to write about and spread his diabolical lies about God. He spread lies about Jesus, spread lies about evolution and spread his dangerous evil beliefs on population control. He spoke of the universe "evolving" towards God in ways quite similar to that of Deepak Chopra and many new age teachers who speak of becoming one with the universe or of evolving towards god consciousness. Teilhard is quoted as saying things such as - "Christ saves. But must we not hasten to add that Christ, too, is saved by Evolution?" (Le Christique, 1955) ,

"I want to teach people how to see God everywhere, to see Him in all that is hidden, most solid, and most ultimate in the world. I am essentially Pantheist in my thinking and in my temperament."

"According to my own principles, I cannot fight against Christianity; I can only work inside it by trying to transform and convert it. A revolutionary attitude would be much easier, and much more pleasant, but it would be suicidal. So I must go step by step, tenaciously." (Letter, Mar. 21, 1941)

In 1926 Teilhard was forbidden from teaching by the Catholic Church. In the following years of his life, he was forbidden from writing or teaching on philosophical subjects, The Holy Office forbade his books from being kept in libraries, forbade his books from being translated into other languages and forbade them from being sold in Catholic bookstores. At one point , Pope Pius XII described Teilhard’s works as a cesspool of errors.

Despite all of this, his poison had become widely accepted by many in the Church. Although not every modernist plunged to the depths of Teilhard, many embraced his teachings in one form or another including those involved in the 2nd Vatican Council such as Cardinal Henri de Lubac who wrote a number of books in the 1960s on Chardin's theology. In one of Henri de Lubac's books called "The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin", de Lubac states - “We need not concern ourselves with a number of detractors of Teilhard, in whom emotion has blunted intelligence”

The acceptance of Teilhard's poisonous lies about how all is evolving towards god consciousness gave way to the lies that all religions lead to God, hence one of the reasons we now see many people in the Church professing acceptance of all religions. They have all forgotten or choose to ignore that God has told us that all the gods of the gentiles are demons,Psalm 95:5 "For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens" and they have forgotten or choose to ignore the infallibly declared Dogma of Outside the Church.

“The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, also Jews, heretics, and schismatics can ever be partakers of eternal life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil and his angels’ (Mt. 25:41) unless before death they are joined with Her... No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ can be saved unless they abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”

-Pope Eugene IV, ex cathedra, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino (1441 AD)

Since Vatican II religious indifferentism, a heresy which Pope Gregory XVI condemned in Mirari Vos, has become widespread and with increasing pace is leading to more and more apostasy from within. From interreligious prayer meetings to pachamama idolatry. From Coexist initiatives to Abrahamic temples. All this amounts to a betrayal of God who is deserving of all our love. Now this week we will witness the Vatican insult God yet again by allowing notorious New Age advocates to spew their diabolical nonsense at the Vatican international conference. Catholics cannot help but to be worried at what might come next.

The teachings of the likes of Chardin and Chopra ultimately lead to the worship of the earth and created things rather than worship of God. In their twisted views the earth itself is even a god because everyone and everything is all "one" advancing and evolving towards "god consciousness". It took many many years for their slippery lies to culminate in the Pachamama outrage in the Vatican in 2019. While those in the Vatican threw false smoke screens at Catholics and the general media about the Amazon synod being about discussing female ordination and priests being allowed to marry, many Catholics missed the blatant new age paganism being openly promoted. Throughout the Amazon Synod documents, there were references to "Mother Earth" and during the synod many Catholics were scandalized by the idolatry on display. Catholics around the world were shocked as Statues of Pachamama were placed in Churches and even brought into St Peter's Basilica. As Cardinal Gerhard Müller stated -

“they have no right to introduce Pagan or non-Catholic rites into the Church’s liturgy...bringing the idols into the Church was a grave sin, a crime against the divine law.” Thanks to the actions of one faithful Catholic, a number of those statues were removed from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina to which Cardinal Gerhard Müller referred to when he said - “to take them out and throw them into the river might be against the human law, but to take idols into a Church was a grave sin, a crime against the Divine Law. There’s a great difference.”

It is worth noting that the term "mother earth" is also a common term within New Age practices which we discussed in the preceding articles. It is especially common in the satanic reiki in which they believe that the earth is a source of "power" and "energy". They also call upon the powers of "mother earth" in their invocations. And in ways quite similar to how Catholics would say render to God what belongs to God, those in the new age thought would say render to mother earth what belongs to mother earth. From this, it is clear to see another overlap between new age thought and Pachamama.

Pachamama is an Incan fertility goddess also known as "mother earth" which can be traced back to the Aztecs and also the Chimú tribe. The Chimú tribe is responsible for the largest child sacrificial site that has ever been found to date which involved the murder of 140 children and 220 young Llamas sacrificed to what was ultimately Pachamama. As one priest named Fr Nix has stated, It is worth asking is Pachamama the same demon behind abortion ? It is clear to see how the rise in occultism in Ireland has led to acceptance of horrors like abortion. As people have walked away from the one true Faith, The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, either through ignorance or malice they have ended up falling into occultism via practices like reiki and yoga. These practices have thought them the motto of Satan, do what thou wilt. It has also led them to revere the earth in ways that they should revere God. Because their minds are darkened they now also easily fall into the lie of climate change extremism where they must do all they can to protect "mother earth" and to cease their sins against the climate, but yet they care little about sins against God.

To further illustrate where all these diabolical lies lead, Pachamama is also related to the climate change movement as can clearly be seen in the group named The Pachamama Alliance. As Liz Yore from the Fatima center stated, the moment all the population control advocates had their big aha moment was when they decided to take the idea of global warming and run with it in order to spread the lie that there are too many people in the world in order to get people to accept population control. One such person who has bought into this lie is Jane Goodall who is also one of the chosen speakers at the Vatican conference Exploring the Mind, Body and Soul, body. Jane Goodall is quoted as saying - “All these (environmental) things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.’’

Now we have the spirit of Pachamama across the world pushing the climate change extremism and the lie of overpopulation in which the abortion industry offfers up sacrifices to appease "mother earth" and we also have evil campaigns such as oneplanetonechild.org being embraced by governments around the world. Even in Ireland there are now cars driving around with bumper stickers promoting one child policy. How is this related to Teilhard de Chardin ?

Because evolution theory, eugenics, occultism (or New Age thought) and demon worship go hand in hand. With Teilhard de Chardin it can be seen how his acceptance of one error led to acceptance of many errors. His belief of everything evolving towards god consciousness gave way to believing that there was no sin and that, as is popular among evolutionists, his evolution theory gave way to his support for eugenics as can be seen from another one of Teilhard's quotes - "In order to continue advancing, humanity must come up with effective control, both in quantity and quality, of reproduction in order to avoid overpopulation of the earth or its invasion by less satisfactory ethnic groups''.

Another of Teilhard’s quotes from 1951 states his belief in the “need” for eugenics - “We must recognize...the vital importance of a collective quest of discovery and invention no longer inspired solely by a vague delight in knowledge and power, but by the duty and the clearly-defined hope of gaining control (and so making use) of the fundamental driving forces of evolution. And with this, the urgent need for a generalized eugenics (racial no less than individual) directed, beyond all concern with economic or nutritional problems, towards a biological maturing of the human type and of the biosphere.”

That quote sounds like something which would come from the Nazi party, which is another thing to condsider. Roy Schoeman discusses in one of his talks how there were three streams which flowed into the culmination of the holocaust. Those were Occultism, Eugenics and Sexual depravity. We too are now up to our necks in all 3 of those streams which come straight from the pits of hell. Where will it culminate for us, unless people reject the lies from people like Chardin and Chopra and turn back to the One and Only Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Join Catholics around the world and fight to defend God's honour. Take up the rosary which Saint Padre Pio stated is the weapon for our times. Call out to the Holy Face of God , Numbers 10:35 " Arise, O Lord, and let thy enemies be scattered, and let them that hate thee, flee from before thy face." Although the situation in and out of the Church appears to be very dark, we know God wins and we know Our Lady has told us that in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, so we look forward with hope.

Mícheál Benedictus


Search Results for “integral ecology” – Padre Peregrino