Poland Tightens Laws on Sunday Trade

In 2018, the Polish parliament banned most traders from opening on Sundays.

However, the pro family law was undermined by a loophole which allowed some large outlets to remained open.

The loophole permitted retail outlets to stay open if they fulfilled certain conditions, which were often easily met by bending rules.

A new law passed yesterday in the Polish Parliament however, will now exclude them from opening unless postal services make up the majority of their business. In many cases this means that they will not be able to open up.

Sunday trading is damaging to families, in terms of time spent with their children since they will have to work in many cases, but also in terms of faith.

The expectation that Sundays are for sport and shopping is one that has severely impacted the quality of life for many families. While many European nations pride themselves as progressive for entertaining the possibility of four day working weeks and other concepts like state funded childcare.

Why not just go straight to the common sense option and have a five day working week, with Sunday trading regulated so as to allow families to spend more time with one another?

Prolifers are often accused (even by one another) of failing to offer foolproof solutions for improving daily family life. This idea is one which will be universally popular and universally productive.

Apart from with the large corporations who may feel that they miss out financially, but thankfully for them they have the likes of Anthony Blinken and Samantha Power to fight their corner against Polish families.