Le Pen Calls Trads 'Dodgy', Compares them to 'Nazis'

Pro abortion centrist Marine Le Pen, who some term to be ‘far right’ on immigration, has launched a scathing attack on Traditionalist Catholics in France.

The Presidential Candidate, who was ahead of Emmanuel Macron in the polls recently, appeared completely riled at losing some of her base to Eric Zemmour, the Jewish journalist who has courted the Traditional Catholic vote with some success.

Insulting both Zemmour and those who had lost faith in her pro abortion brand of ‘right wing’ politics, Le Pen said that his supporters were ‘dodgy characters’. Among those ‘dodgy characters’, she stated ‘There are traditionalist Catholics, pagans, and a few Nazis’.

The entry of Zemmour, who has defended Catholics under threat of arson and beheading in Macron’s France, coincided with Le Pen’s stagnation in the polls.

Le Pen was said to be seething today after Zemmour spoke with President Donald Trump, something that Le Pen tried unsuccessfully to do in 2017.

Le Pen’s odds of victory shortened even further with the entry of Valerie Pecresse, who is seen as a more acceptable socially conservative figure to the oft maligned Le Pen.

One thing is certain, as France watches its priests being beheaded, its Cathedrals burned to the ground and even the tombs of its kings facing being desecrated, the neo conservativism and Trad bashing of Le Pen is not going to save them.