BLM Leader Arrested for Hate Crime Against Catholic Children

One of their stated goals was to destroy the nuclear family, they set fire to Catholic buildings and even now in 2023, while they have subsided from public view, Black Lives Matter are still attacking North America’s Catholic minority.

Adora Nwofor stormed St. Thomas Aquinas school in Calgary, Alberta in Canada and allegedly impeded access to the building.

She is set to appear in court tomorrow.

During the organisation’s summer of hate in 2020, churches across the United States of America were set on fire while a subsequent summer of hate in 2021 saw over 100 churches (mostly Catholic) set on fire by terrorists.

Many Catholic leaders gave support to BLM at the time of their inception, understandably believing that their name was indicative of their goal.

However, it has become obvious since that Marxism and attacking the family are more important to them than racial equality.