
A Canadian Judge recently blocked a Father’s attempt to stop the euthanasia of his 27-year old daughter through “Medical Assistance in Dying.” It may now proceed. His decision was based on her “Dignity” and “Self-Determination.” [“MAiD” in Canada is primarily by Voluntary Euthanasia.]


It really sticks in my craw the way Pro-Death agencies have co-opted the term “dignity.”

For example, in 2006 the 70-year old Voluntary Euthanasia Society changed it’s name to the euphemistic “Dignity in Dying.” Every day, their social-media posts spout about dignity, compassion and autonomy …as if most people are dying without dignity, compassion and autonomy.

Now, in Canada we have Justice Feasby spouting about “dignity” as one of the main reasons he would not stop the killing of an otherwise healthy young woman. (She is known to suffer from autism and ADHD.)


As the first hit on Google, Dignity is defined by the Oxford Languages Dictionary as:

  • “…the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.”

  • “…a composed or serious manner or style.”

  • “…a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect.”

  • “…a high or honorable rank or position.”

I agree with the first line: worthy of honour or respect. The others are dubious:

“…a composed or serious manner or style” — Purely superficial / appearance. So, Nope!

“…a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect” — Even the worst criminals can have “pride in themselves.” So, Nope!

“…a high or honorable rank or position” — Obviously, some with high rank are not worthy of honour or respect. So, Nope!

Stanford Encyclopedia discusses dignity in more detail and reminds us of “ ‘human dignity’ to denote a kind of basic worth or status that purportedly belongs to all persons equally.” An excellent point.

So, yes there is the innate human dignity we share as human beings — but some earn additional dignity and respect by what they do. Generally, this is what they do on behalf of others or humanity — not for themselves.


So, when assessing the “dignity” involved in the killing of a 27-year old we have to ask a question which has a two-part answer: how does this maintain or increase her dignity?

Innate dignity is tied to Human Rights so (apart from the verbal gymnastics of the Supreme Court of Canada in their Carter decision, 2015) in more than 2000 years, killing oneself for selfish reasons has never been considered to increase innate dignity. Indeed, suicide is perceived with significant stigma (and sadness that someone has got to that level of despair.)

The second part is the dignity and respect which is gained by working for, or putting oneself in jeopardy, for the sake of others: altruism. Her death does nothing for others, so does not garner additional dignity and respect.

Justice Feasby’s decision treats this woman like a mad dog to be put down — I believe he has diminished her dignity (and will devastate her father.)

THIS, is the crossroads of Suicide Prevention and Assisted Suicide. (Feasby did not offer the woman any mental health support.) Any country considering Assisted Suicide needs to choose very, very wisely.


As we go through Easter Week, I suggest the best example of earned dignity and respect: Jesus Christ suffered the horrific death a common criminal, yet did so for the salvation of all humanity.

What better example?

Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 @kevinhay77