Russell Brand is baptised

Russell Brand was baptised with full-immersion in the River Thames, Sunday 28 April. He says that it has changed his life.

Brand has been vague as to which church he joined, but a quick internet search has shown at least 2 Anglican Churches are performing full immersion baptism in the Thames. (The title photo shows an Anglican baptism from 2018.)

There may be evangelical Christian churches performing such baptisms but based on Canon Law, it is very unlikely a Catholic Church will get dispensation for such a rite.

Canons 849-878 of the Code of Canon Law govern the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Canons 857-860 cover the location in which a baptism should take place.

Canon 857: "Apart from a case of necessity, the proper place of baptism is a church or oratory."

"As a rule an adult is to be baptized in his or her parish church and an infant in the parish church of the parents unless a just cause suggests otherwise."

(Click image to link to his X / Twitter post)

His commentary can be read below or heard in the video link above:

The truth is this, as a person in the past who has taken many many substances and always been disappointed with their inability to deliver the kind of tranquility, and peace, and even transcendence that I always felt I've been looking for, something occurred in the process of baptism. Overwhelming... I felt changed, transitioned...

I feel as if some new resource within me has switched on.

So many of your comments have been so beautiful and encouraging and I really appreciate it. And also, even the cynicism, I understand. Because some people will just see me as a celebrity. But I don't see me as a celebrity, because I was me when I was a little boy, I was me when I was a junkie, I was me when I was poor. I've been me in all of the different phases. But I recognize that anything in this terrain, in the sort of social media world could be exploited and utilized.

For me, I've made the decision and I know what the decision is ... I'm so grateful to be surrendered in Christ.”

It is a pity that Brand has probably not joined the Catholic Church.

If he is Anglican, thankfully they have a Trinitarian baptism and Apostolic Succession.

Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 @kevinhay77