Andrew Tate converted to Islam

I had not realized that controversial personality, Andrew Tate, converted to Islam in 2022.

Tate is a well-known “media personality”, “influencer”, kick-boxer (76 Wins; 32 Stoppages; 9 Losses; 1 Draw) and businessman. He was charged with with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women. Some of these cases appear to be on-going.

People have accused him of converting as a publicity stunt: maybe! Curiously, he did not put his Shahada — the attestation — onto social media.

(& for the record, Tate is INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY.)

Please listen to his interview below. He considers that “Islam is the last religion on the planet.” His comparison between the state of Islam and Christianity is painfully accurate!

He suggested people to “go to the average [Christian] church. Is anyone actually fearful of God. Anybody?…there is no substance to the religion” because “most religions are not prepared to defend their ideas.”

Christians: “can’t set any firm rules because everyone would just quit!”


Mufti Menk — a centrist religious scholar — comments on Tate’s conversion below.

[A Mufti means one who is qualified to issue a Shar’ee verdict. An Aalim and a Moulana both refer to a learned person. Imam means leader – generally used for one who leads the congregation in Salat.]

Andrew is clearly a more complex person than people give him credit for.

Kevin Hay

You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 / Twi𝕏 / Twitter @kevinhay77