Summer Camp Calls Young Irish Catholics to Chivalry

Despite opposition from the party of the ‘Irish AOC’ Holly Cairns, young Irish Catholics have flocked to a chivalry summer camp organised by the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation.

A member of the party used a pro establishment website to whip up hysteria over the summer camp in Kildare this past week.

In recent years, the party of the ‘Irish AOC’ have threatened to ban confession, to seize church lands and the ‘Irish AOC’ herself even once said that she will destroy an unborn baby for every minute devoted to coverage of the papal enclave.

In response, the ISFCC told Catholic Arena:

Irish Society for Christian Civilisation is not new to this kind of smear. Already in 2010, a

similar boys’ camp organised by a sister organisation in the United Sates drew fire from Pravda,

the former organ of the Soviet Communist Party. The piece was written by Argentinean former

guerrilla militant Juan Gelman, member of the Che Guevara-inspired Fuerzas Armadas


They continued:

We in fact defend Catholic morals, decency, and purity of heart (Mt 5:8). The article

also takes exception at the fact that ISFCC “fights immorality, blasphemy and impurity.” Are we

to infer that they, on the contrary, favour all this?

They also addressed the pro establishment local councillor who criticised the group for not first consulting the party of the ‘Irish AOC’, pointing out that unlike certain lobbies today, children are not encouraged to keep secrets from their parents:

all under-age boys participating in ISFCC camps have their parents’

written authorisation. Indeed, parents usually participate in camp activities, and are thus able

to follow first-hand the type of education their sons receive.

Commenting on the trilogy that inspires the ISFCC -- Tradition Family Property -- Killeen

surmises that “women are the ‘Property’ side.” She is dead wrong. If anything, women are the

‘Family’ side.

They then also pointed out that the councillor from the ‘Irish AOC’ party was incorrect in saying that the church had no knowledge of such an event

[The Irish AOC party] affirms that it contacted “the Bishops Conference body which acts as a

representative group for dioceses”, who told them they were “not aware” of the ISFCC’s camp.

We don’t who the anonymous source is, but we can most definitely affirm he or she was

misinformed as, for the liturgical aspects, we had written authorisation from Church


They concluded:

Irish Society for Christian Civilisation is an organisation of lay Catholic Irishmen and

Irishwomen concerned with the moral crisis shaking the remnants of Christendom. It is duly

registered in Ireland as a charity. People interested in knowing more about us can visit our


“Ladran Sancho señal que cabalgamos -- Let the dogs bark, Sancho. It’s a sign we are

moving forward,” said Don Quixote in one of Cervantes’ most famous quips. The LGBT lobbies

attack us. It’s a sign we are moving forward. Praise be to God!