Catholics Pray After TikTok User Desecrates Church

In the same week that an individual burst into a church and screamed Allah Akbar, a far more disgusting scene took place in another church in France.

Social media user Benjamin Ledig performed a disgusting degenerate dance inside a church, in front of an altar.

He has been allowed to get away with this hate crime by Macron’s government, who have also been loose with punishments for those beheading Catholics at Mass and setting their churches on fire.

The bigoted thug has since made unsubstantiated claims that he has been treated poorly since the anti Catholic hate crime, with one left wing French outlet defending his bigoted actions and trying to paint him as the victim, writing:

Since the publication of a video where he dances in a church, a young man has been the subject of calls for violence and homophobic insults online emanating from the fachosphere. He was beaten in a nightclub this weekend.

The crazed anti Catholic bigot then released a second video in which he pretended to apologise while twerking again in a Catholic church.

According to one French outlet, he has much support from those airheaded young people who get their History from TikTok, with one outlet writing that his supporters:

believe that the young man is a victim of "practices of inquisitors of the Middle Ages".

The same outlet points out that others have accused the crazed bigot’s actions of destroying efforts at acceptance as it:

"spits in the mouth of people who do extraordinary work to change mentalities about LGBT people and to change rights. It is going to be used by the right-wing media who are going to say, 'Look at what LGBT people are doing in the church, look at how they desecrate our churches.'"

For the record, he has since admitted that his claims to be performing the bigoted act because of ‘homophobia’ were completely fabricated. On French TV show Touche, he said:

I came alone to be as sincere as possible. In fact, I didn’t make this video to fight homophobia, as I said last Friday. I was simply asked to say that to explain why I did that. And then I told this story of homophobia but it’s not true

Rather than meet hate with hate, Catholics have taken the high road by organising a prayer rally outside their desecrated church.

At the church of Saint Paul Saint Louis in Paris, 100 hundred young Catholics knelt in solemn prayer last night, singing beautifully for all to see and hear as they did when Notre Dame was set on fire three years ago.

Appearing on television last night, Ledig refused to apologise for his hate crime.

With an election looming, the hatred shown towards Catholics, either by beheading them or torching their churches or desecrating their churches must become a pivotal issue, especially for those considering voting for Emmanuel Macron who has failed to act time and again.