Catholic Priest JAILED in USA For Prolife Work

No, not in Communist China. In the United States of America, a hero priest, Father Fidelis Moscinski, has been jailed alongside two others for his opposition to abortion.

A member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Father Fidelis’s image has often gone viral for his attempts to help women who were in need.

Prolife group Red Rose Rescue write on Facebook:

Father Fidelis, Will Goodman, and Matthew Connolly have all been sentenced to 90 days in jail. They were given a $200 surcharge, a $500 fine, and a $50 DNA charge.

Quotes were hastily written down since electronics were not allowed to be in use during the sentencing. All quotes are the gist of what was said, most of them are close to accurate but some may be slightly off.

Will Goodmans closing statement - “We are here for the equality of all people from the beginning of life to the end of life and for the solidarity we can share with the mom, the child, and the father and we are here to help”

As Will Goodman was escorted out of the courtroom he proudly said - “Vivo Christo Rey”

Mathew Connolly refused to speak to be in solidarity with the unborn whose voices were unjustly taken from them.

Father Fidelis said in his closing statement - “Isaiah said woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Woe to those who call abortion a right. (Addressed to the judge) You disallowed the justification defense and that injustice was compounded by the jury and also by the sentencing you have given, I plead the blood of Jesus on this court room”

The judge replied - “You quoted judgement day in your case and today is your judgement day”

Will Goodman and Mathew Connolly are open to visitors but Father Fidelis is not. Please keep these heroes in your prayers.

This is a developing story, more updates will be made available in the coming days.

US authorities acted harshly on Fidelis for locking a Planned Parenthood abortion shop for 2 hours.

The Franciscans of the Renewal have prolife work as part of their charism. No doubt many pro aborts will delight at this punishment, especially in the wake of the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. But any joy on behalf of pro aborts for this persecution is a seriously misinformed understanding of the history of Catholicism.