French Catholics Defy Lockdown, Host Outdoor Masses

In recent weeks, the nascent French Traditional Catholic Movement has shown its face to the world. While other nations have cowered from public Mass for fear of government reprisals, the French Traditionalists have been unashamed to publicly sing hymns, pray the Rosary and now, attend Mass.

In Clement Ferrand this morning, dozens of French Catholics attended an open air Mass in the town’s square to mark the beginning of Advent.

There was another Traditional Mass today also, this time in Bordeaux.

Toulouse also hosted a public Traditional Mass.

For others, prayers and hymns formed the basis of their public displays.

In Lyon, they used flares whilst in Grenoble they demanded a full return to the Mass.

As they did last week, Catholics in Montpellier gathered near the church of St. Pierre.

As of this weekend, the Conseil D’etat has allowed for a partial return to Mass, but with Advent upon us, many French Catholics feel that this is simply not good enough.

There was also Mass at Vauban Square in Paris.

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