Judge Says Court Case Against Mass Ban is 'Moot'

The Irish government’s stringing along of businessman Declan Ganley for 6 months has now been called ‘moot’ by the judge hearing the case, who has told those involved (Ganley and the State) to come back in a month’s time.

Unlike more functional countries such as Scotland, Chile and Switzerland, the government in Ireland have not been able to comprehend that the Constitutional protection of a Right to Worship has been sidelined and left without due consideration during the draconian anti Catholic measures of the past year.

Declan Ganley brought a case against the government, but was repeatedly fobbed off.

This comment by the judge took the state’s representatives by surprise, who had not sought to call it moot.

Ganley’s representatives rightly replied that there is no guarantee that there will not be further lockdowns, therefore the case should proceed in order to determine the importance of the right to worship in such circumstances.

Ganley’s representatives also said that this was a ‘breach of Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights’.

Article 9 was successfully invoked by those seeking to overturn Scotland’s constitutional ban on public worship too.

The case is still an important one. With Ireland’s incompetent government now facing the certainty of serious economic problems, they will look to scapegoat and punish the church more and more in order to deflect public anger, this has been reflected in State Media focusing heavily upon the church in the past week.

There will be an election this coming summer in Dublin Bay South, the most pro abortion constituency in Ireland, we encourage Catholics to get behind any candidate who promises to oppose the Mass ban and to oppose any candidate who is part of a party that defends it.