'From Hitler to Globalism' Archbishop Criticises German Church

The fallout from the behaviour of the rich and stubborn German church is continuing across Europe.

They have been criticised by Pope Francis for wanting to become an ‘Evangelical Church’.

Now, an Archbishop from Hungary has strongly criticised their desire to appease the spirit of the age.

In an interview with Magyar Jelen, Dr. Gyula Márfi, Archbishop Emeritus of Veszprém, spoke boldly against the German church’s addiction to preserving its own prestige and political power.

In the strongest possible terms, he condemned their love of Globalism and the trappings that come with it:

Five or six years ago, in and around Stuttgart, I said three Hungarian-language masses for Hungarians. I presented the arguments that prove the resurrection of Jesus, and I talked something about the kingdom of heaven and the analogies found in the Bible. After one of the Masses, Father Tempfli, the Hungarian pastor in Stuttgart at the time, came to me and thanked me for touching on these topics, saying that no one in Germany talks about them anymore.

The situation of the German Church is truly disastrous. According to them, it is not important whether Jesus was really born or not, the main thing is that "he is born in you!". Do not ask whether he rose from the dead or not, "let him rise in you." Do not care if there is heaven or not, the main thing is to "create it around you!"

This is all absurd.

A significant number of German Catholic priests now bless same-sex marriage, as well as partnerships and partnerships.

This is no longer Christianity, this is already anti-Christism.

Three years ago in Rome, it was finally stated that Catholic priests were forbidden to bless homosexual couples. At that time, I still had a German newspaper, so I learned about the protests that the decision caused among German Catholics.

It is very sad what is happening in Germany. I don't want to hurt them, but somehow they always fall from one side of the horse to the other. They went from Hitler and National Socialism to cosmopolitan globalism. There are no more Germans, French, Hungarians, Italians, only Europeans.

It is likely that the Germans will use their immense wealth, power and political connections to force an apology from the Archbishop.