Polish Anti Catholicism Rapidly Growing Violent

Although held up as a paragon of Catholic resistance to Globalist efforts to destroy the faith, Poland has more than a steady stream of anti Catholic thugs, with some of them now turning to violence.

Floods of foreign money were already provoking attacks during the reign of Donald Trump in the United States, but since the withdrawal of the Mexico City agreement by Joe Biden, foreign monies are now flooding the country and they are leading to intense violence.

There are two areas that the anti Catholic forces are currently focusing on.

One is trying to shut down Mass using the excuse of Coronavirus. (In case you are inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, they are generally the same peoples who have been carrying out large pro abortion gatherings).

The other is attacking churches with violence as part of abortion campaigning.

On the first, some of the ring leaders have been sharing photographs of people’s children as they attend Mass and have tried to falsely claim that churches are places of the virus spreading. One was a prominent member of NATO.

Another group of Marxists have been camped outside churches and recording people in order to intimidate people by inferring that they caused the virus, again, even as pro aborts continue mass demonstrations regularly.

One Marxist politician bragged about sending photographs that he took of Catholics to the police as, despite having no medical expertise, he reckoned that they were spreading the virus.

In even more sinister developments, pro aborts have thrown smoke candles, flares and bricks at a Catholic Church. The assailants, believed to be receiving funding and training from abroad, tried to enter the church to lift a banner saying ‘Lurid Religion, get the f*** out’ but were stopped.

Antifa in Poland actually bragged about carrying out the attack.

The Catholic culture of Poland is currently on an edge, with only a narrow political advantage maintaining it and increasing numbers of brainwashed young people who want to be pro abortion and pro Capitalist views on sexuality. The sheer size of the money going into the country will turn it into another Globalist wasteland within 10 years if it is not resisted strongly, both inside and outside Poland. One of the campaigns being waged has used the image of a Cross being smashed by George Soros’s lightning symbol, evidently Polish feminists aren’t independent from men enough to invent their own logos! The campaign has encouraged people to become apostates from the faith at Easter.

On a lighter note, this hard working bus driver had elitist bourgeoise pro aborts (is there any other kind?) try to ruin his day, so he dealt with them as best as he could.

Keep Poland in your prayers this Holy Week, the Globalists want to do to them what they did to Ireland, destroy them to make an example.