Polish Shrine Desecrated as Pro Abort Violence Intensifies

Foreign funded pro aborts have ramped up their violence against Catholics in Poland in the past year.

Churches have been burned, priests have been attacked and Masses have been invaded.

In the latest attack, a local shrine was set ablaze by pro aborts.

One local pointed the finger at George Soros’s Open Society, who were also behind the push for abortion in Ireland.

The Twitter user wrote:

Such a shrine in Grochów - it was - because they had just burned it ... As a Nation we are completely helpless - pathetic ... ... you will see that Open Society will still slit our throats in the streets.

In the town of Grochowie, locals expressed shock at the vicious attack. Many were involved in a cleanup.

Poland is currently Ground Zero for the pro abortion movement.

They are hoping to break Poland’s spirit as they did to Ireland, yet so far, Poland has not given up.