UK Woman ARRESTED For Praying Silently

The United Kingdom is regularly mocked for its overt political correctness and for the inconsistent public morality of its officialdom.

However, they managed to sink to even new depths this week with a Christmas time arrest of a woman on the suspicion that she might have been praying in her head. Yes, really.

In a viral video, English police can be seen approaching her, with a subsequent arrest that has led to four counts charged against Isabel-Vaughn Spruce.

ADF International quoted her as saying:

It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind. Censorship zones purport to ban harassment, which is already illegal. Nobody should ever be subject to harassment. But what I did was the furthest thing from harmful – I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK.

Incredibly, the ADF states that she was originally told not to contact a local Catholic priest, a decision that was later changed.

The story has garnered widespread international attention.

Ireland recently also moved to introduce Anti Prayer Zones, which will likely be policed in the same manner.