Prolife Hero to give Pre Rally for Life Talk in Dublin

When news broke of the arrest of Isabel Vaughn Spruce's arrest, it seemed too far fetched to be true, even for modern Britain.

Yet, it was true.

Though crime, standing silently and praying silently in the mere vicinity of an abortion facility, was deemed to be worthy of arrest.

She will attend July's Rally for Life in Dublin and give a talk prior to the event, hosted by Family Solidarity.

In a press release, the organisation writes:

“This year’s Rally for Life will take place in Dublin on Saturday 1st July. Following the success of last year’s event featuring Dr. Dermot Kearney, Family Solidarity is thrilled to host a pre-rally talk with a special guest from England: Isabel Vaughan-Spruce.

Isabel’s unwavering dedication to her beliefs led to her arrest on two occasions last year. Her peaceful act of silently praying outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham resulted in legal consequences. We invite you to join us at 12:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Express (28 O’Connell Street Upper) to listen to Isabel’s inspiring story.

Please note that space is limited, and registration is required to secure your spot. If you’re interested in attending, contact us at”.