Bishops Question Lack of Planning for Mass Immigration in Ireland

In their recent meeting at Maynooth, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Ireland addresses the country’s growing migrant crisis.

The Irish government has turned a blind eye in recent years to tens of thousands of people tearing up passports before entering Dublin Airport.

This has put massive pressure on housing, with many young Irish people emigrating by the thousand as the government's policies make the country a cold house for young Irish.

As the euphoria of stamping on the grave of old Catholic Ireland fades, the woke generation are finding that the previous generations that they malign could at least build houses, have families and find stable jobs within their own country.

The State's ramshackle migration policies currently allow opportunistic owners of failing hotels to fill them with migrants, with the owners receiving mass fortunes, in some case millions of euro. Some have earned hundreds of millions of euro through this glorified human trafficking program.

In some cases, it is not hotels, but church buildings that were transferred by religious orders for community use, which are then quickly used for profit by local authorities instead.

In recent months, the targeting of working class communities with these facilities has led to protests all across Ireland.

The bishops, in their statement, wrote:

“The reasons that give rise to forced migration need to be part of the conversation, nationally and internationally.  So too does the urgency of adequate planning for housing, healthcare, education and other resources for those who are forced to seek shelter across the island of Ireland”.

The government have not planned for any of these things. The government are also refusing to allow conversations to even take place about the current crisis, instead preferring to label anyone in disagreement as ‘far right’, with Helen McEntee even specifically saying new anti speech laws are in part designed to help Gardai to stop people in their cars and to arrest them and convict them if they have materials that question her party's migration policies.